

Dungeon23 Logo  designed by  Lone Archivist   and generously made available for free through the  CC BY 4.0  licenses. "Megadungeon for 2023. 12 levels. 365 rooms. One room a day. Keep it all in a journal" I haven't written anything for a game in a couple of years.  Might be connected to having my firstborn arrive in the middle of a vast global pandemic.  Another child is arriving soon, literally any day now, but I feel drawn to the Dungeon23 Challenge anyway.  Here's why I'm going to give it a try in spite of  all the challenges about to hit my life. My 2 ½ year-old son has recently become obsessed by the power metal band GLORYHAMMER.  Their videos, watched on loop for weeks, have got me psyched up for over-the-top sci-fi fantasy adventures in the worst way. I've got a blank Worldbuilder's Notebook that's been sitting within arm's reach for something to get me going.  Time to stop being precious about only putting something 'worthy' in it