Dungeon23 Logo designed by Lone Archivist and generously made available for free through the CC BY 4.0 licenses.

"Megadungeon for 2023. 12 levels. 365 rooms. One room a day. Keep it all in a journal"

I haven't written anything for a game in a couple of years.  Might be connected to having my firstborn arrive in the middle of a vast global pandemic.  Another child is arriving soon, literally any day now, but I feel drawn to the Dungeon23 Challenge anyway.  Here's why I'm going to give it a try in spite of  all the challenges about to hit my life.

  • My 2½ year-old son has recently become obsessed by the power metal band GLORYHAMMER.  Their videos, watched on loop for weeks, have got me psyched up for over-the-top sci-fi fantasy adventures in the worst way.
  • I've got a blank Worldbuilder's Notebook that's been sitting within arm's reach for something to get me going.  Time to stop being precious about only putting something 'worthy' in it and get writing.
  • Anything that has Sean McCoy, Gus L., and Zedeck Siew all writing about it sure seems worth doing.  Big thanks to Hereticwerks for making the post about it that caught my eye; I'd not seen that name pop up on my feed in long enough that I just HAD to see what was up.
I've never done anything by way of blogging, but my hope is that having an audience, even an imaginary one, will provide a bit of external motivation.  I'll follow it as far as I can, but if having a newborn derails things then I'll still have at least written something fun.  In any case, my son has just informed me that he wants GLORYHAMMER to appear on the TV so that he can practice drumming with his chopsticks.  I may write more about my intended inspirations and structure soon.  
